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The Rothelowman Professional Collective | Meet Martina


Drawing on the unique colour palettes and textures found in nature, Martina injects meaning and life into the spaces she creates, enhancing how people interact with the built world.

A generous eye for life frames Martina’s professional and personal mindset. Understanding how different climates, different landscapes, and different cities impact architecture and design, allows Martina to produce meaningful, liveable, and humanistic work.

Martina finds inspiration in travelling, where she can completely focus on the setting around her.

“I have always been obsessed with travelling and exploring new places. Architecture and interiors are, in a way, the same to me. It is about creating new places, imagining new experiences, and blending cultural references”.

Martina feels a strong connection to the projects she designs and immerses herself in the design process. Rothelowman’s Jolimont project, Gate 8, was her first project of significant scale and meaning, which she cannot wait to see reach completion.


