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The Rothelowman Professional Collective | Meet Andy


Project Leader Andy is driven by a deep sense of purpose, aiming to create and shape environments with the well-being, comfort, and needs of individuals front of mind.

He shares, “It’s about crafting spaces that not only fulfill practical requirements but also evoke emotions, foster well-being, and contribute positively to the human experience.”

Andy’s interest in architecture was ignited from a young age. “When I was in Year 7, I stumbled upon a book called ‘1001 Skyscrapers of the World.’ I had no clue what I was getting myself into, but then I discovered Frank Lloyd Wright’s Mile-High Illinois, and it left a lasting impression on me. Since that day, I’ve set a personal goal to envision and design the tallest skyscraper imaginable.”

Outside of the studio, Andy is also an avid basketball player. Although architecture and basketball may seem unrelated, they share common characteristics. “Teamwork and collaboration, strategy and planning, and adaptability and creativity are all fundamental elements for both forging a championship team and executing a successful project. You cannot have one without the other.”

Andy’s unwavering commitment to crafting environments that prioritise well-being, along with his lifelong passion for architecture and dedication to teamwork and creativity, make him an invaluable member of our team. We are incredibly proud to have Andy as part of the Rothelowman professional collective.

#Rothelowman #GenerouseEyeForLife #RothelowmanCollective #CelebratingTalent

